Barbie Girl Bookworm

Barbie Girl Bookworm
Barbie Girl Bookworm, Barbie Girl Bookworm Game, Play Barbie Girl Bookworm Games

Let me think. Ah Barbie Girl Bookworm I have just the model you need. A first rate premolar. Try it. I'll take it, it's perfect. Thank you, Madame. Voilà my little teddy bear. Thanks. What's your pleasure, my little chickadee? Barley sugars? Candyfloss? Barbie Girl Bookworm candy? You got Games? Games? Of course! I've run out. No, no. Don't cry, I have more in stock. Don't cry. Don't move, I'll be back. Be right back! What the f*** are you doing? Thief! Thief! I'll call the police. Barbie dress up? My Games! They're MY Games! Police! Police! Thief! He stole all my bonbons. Here. Here he is! Here! What's going on? Barbie dress up? This morning in the square you busted our eardrums, now you're doing breakins? How did you manage to get in? A little mouse who... A little what? I was hungry and it smelled good, so there! Alright, let's go. Let's load him up. Get in. My Games! My Games! Gimme! Let me go! My Games! No respect for the rules of commerce, shameful! Barbie dress up, Barbie dress up, you want... You want me to free you, Barbie dress up? If I free you, can you do me a little favour? And a big favour Barbie dress up, If I free you, will you? An enormous favour, Barbie dress up, If I free you, a huge favour? The biggest favour in the world? Of course, Barbie, the biggest favour in the world. You want more peas, pumpkin? No, I want candy. Léon, don't start this again. Barbie Girl Bookworm We explained a hundred times You can't eat candy. Why? Commerce dictates, my boy. On one side of the street, Papa rots teeth. On the other, Mama replaces bad teeth. When you grow up, both shops will be yours. It means you'll double your fortune, my man. If you smile at the customers, of course. As my old dad used to say. The beauty of a smile, is the health of the teeth. It's easy to make a fortune, you must sugar other peoples teeth, not yours. Understand? Yeah. I have to be up early tomorrow, everyone off to bed! The new delivery will replace the damage, there's everyting I'll... Anyway, this couln't happen in my store. Who would ever think of stealing teeth? This way, Barbie dress up, hurry! We're here! Barbie Girl Bookworm Fine. Stop! Too much noise.


Barbie Birthday Party 2013

Barbie Birthday Party 2013
Barbie Birthday Party 2013, Barbie Birthday Party 2013 Game, Play Barbie Birthday Party 2013 Games

You see, Barbie? we rodents, are not bears. Our force does not come from our mass, our muscles, our claws, nor our terrible Barbie dress up. NO! We are delicate beings, subtle and refined. Our whole civilisation, all we achieved over centuries... we owe to WHAT? What? What do we owe it to? Our incisors. Our WHAT? Our incisors. Our incisors! Correct! They're the foundation of our society. Thanks to them we built the greatest cities, gnawed through the biggest rocks, built the most complicated machines. We diverted the GREATEST RIVERS IN THE WORLD! All that thanks to our cute, precious, delicate, inestimable, perfect, incisive, incisors! But what happens Barbie, if this poor rodent loses an incisor? He dies. He suffers abominable agonies. He can no longer eat or talk. He dies. Consumed by hunger, and gnawed by solitude. Back to square one, Barbie. What's the best tooth to replace the incisor of a toothless rodent? A bear's tooth. Exactly, a bear's tooth is the most sturdy. And the easiest to collect, since stupid bearcubs leave them under their pillows. So, Barbie, you'll go back up, and get more teeth from those little idiots. You will not come down, Barbie, until you collected teeth. teeth, Barbie. teeth. Buck up, Barbie. OK, you coming? Yes, coming, coming! Hello, hello, children. Are you all fine? Yes! I'd like a cream pastry. Yes, cream pastry. Hello, I'd like a box of candy. Yes, a box of candy. Yes. marshmallow suckers. Yes, marshmallow suckers. A box of Games. A box of Games, coming up! Some barleysugars. Yes, voilà, voilà, barleysugars. A lemon ice cream, please, papa! A lemon ice cream, to go. Hold on. C'mere, you! No sugary sweets, Léon. I told you times. Never! But papa, why... Dont but papa me! I forbid the tiniest bit of sugar. You wanna carry your teeth in your pocket? You'll end up at your mother's boutique there, with your rotten teeth, is that what you want? Scram, now. We'll talk tonight. Mr Rossoner, hello! How are you today? Fine, fine. I need a tooth to eat my nougat with. Of course. Which do you need? Incisor? Canine? No, I need a premolar.


Barbie Princess Irene

Barbie Princess Irene
Barbie Princess Irene, Barbie Princess Irene Game, Play Barbie Princess Irene Games

Baloney! If she's a mouse in a fable, then, she doesn't exist! Oh no? How do the teeth disappear then? They disappear... Alright, come. It's best if you go to sleep. This way the mouse can come take your tooth and replace it with a beautiful coin. How much? One Barbie Princess Irene Two! Oh, that's great! That's my boy, alright! Come dear, beddybyes. Aah, a mouse! Yeah! Mouse? where? Among the stuffed toys! Out of there now! Catch her, papa! No mice allowed here! Under that, Georges! Where is she? There she is! Get out of there! Barbie Princess Irene Get out of there, nasty animal! Hey, my tooth! My coin! Give me my Sou! Nasty little vermin! Shh, less noise, Georges, our little guy's sleeping. Georges? Trash. Barbie dress up, Barbie dress up, Miserable Barbie dress up If I remain broke, I'll probably croak 'Cause I'm hungry, I'm starving, I'll eat anything I'll eat anything, What's worse I am freezing Barbie dress up ate nothing since Before the Flood It's true I lost weight, And it rankles my blood I'm loose in my hide, My underpants ride So drop an old copper Inside Barbie dress up's old topper Barbie dress up, Barbie dress up, Miserable Barbie dress up Let's see if your menu Can fatten my sinews I'm sure that if you Will give me a Sou You'll feel better too And also meee... Barbie dress up, Barbie dress up, Miserable Barbie dress up I'm feathery light, I reluctantly diet A mushroom, a wiener, Or a waffle for dinner The waffle's delicious, Greasy and precious It's running away Barbie Princess Irene But I want it to stay Just a little gesture For Barbie dress up's digestion. Come away. Won't you be charitable And load up my table Just a little gesture For Barbie dress up's digestion. Some good mutton stew, And sausage with chitlins Before I am through, Or they jail me for fiddlin' You have days to pay. I'M HUNGRY! No! Don't eat me! Don't eat me! But I'm hungry. What's your name? Barbie dress up. I'm Barbie. We need to have a serious talk. You can't eat me. In Fairy Tales bears eat mice. Barbie Princess Irene Don't tell me you believe in Fairy Tales! You're not that lame! Yeah but, I'm hungry! You're hungry! You think a little mouse like me will fill you up? Look at me.